Sign In to Webheads in Action Blackboard Collaborate:
- To enter, simply provide your name and location, in the spaces shown
- Click the "Enter Now" and follow the instructions to download and accept the plug in, run it, and you should find yourself in the Webheads Meeting Room.

- You can enter the Webheads meeting room at any time if you want to test your mic and computer beforehand.
- Have your headset or microphone ready. The TESOL CALL-IS Web Cast Development Team recommends that you get in the meeting room about 15 minutes ahead of time to test your microphone/speaker volume using the >Tools pull-down menu to go to >Audio >Audio Setup Wizard
Page created by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith and updated on June 28th by Carla Arena
Updated for TESOL CALL-IS 2014 by Jack Watson -- February 25, 2014
Reviewed and updated by Vance Stevens March 3, 2014
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